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The entire contents of this website, including the texts, pictures, graphical presentations and/or audio and video data - as well as any items not already stated in the aforementioned - are legaly protected and must not be sold, modified, communicated, reused, made available, exploited or used in any other way for public or advertising purposes without written permission from Wella.

The information on this website does neither represent a purchasing offer nor a means of advertising for the purchasing of stocks and should not be the basis for an investment decision. Under no circumstances will Wella be responsible for ordinary damages, consequential damages and direct damages or damages that occur due to the incorrect usage, loss of data or loss of profits in conjunction with the use of documentation or information as well as the performance of services, which are accessible on this website.

Exclusion of Liability

The information on this website was compiled with high diligence. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the completeness or correctness. Wella accepts no responsibility for mistakes in the contents of this website.

This website serves to provide general information for technical after sales service.

The use of this website and the downloading of data is carried out at the users own risk. Wella accepts no responsibility for damages that may occur, in particular to the data files or the hardware and software of the user. Furthermore, Wella gives no guarantee and gives no assurances in conjunction with other websites, which you visit starting from our website. These hyperlinks are a service, however Wella is not responsible for the contents of such websites or their possible use. You are responsible for the protection of your system against viruses or any other commands that could damage your system by installing adequate protection programs.

Wella reserves the right to modify the contents of this website at any time and without prior announcement.